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Formosa preparing to restart Point Comfort complex

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 04/09/2017 (14:18)
According to market sources, Formosa is trying to restart its Point Comfort, Texas petrochemical complex. The producer resumed operations at the air separation plant that produces nitrogen and oxygen for the complex along with a gas turbine that produces steam and electricity for the site.

However, the units that produce olefins and plastic resins remain offline for the time being. The main problem was currently the suspended rail and truck service to the plant as there is an embargo for rail shipments to Houston, which the company was trying to solve by the past weekend.

The company had earlier declared force majeure on PP, PE and PVC from the complex last week after Harvey, which currently remains in place.

Formosa operates two crackers with a combined ethylene capacity of slightly below 1.5 million tons/year. The complex also houses 937,000 tons/year PE and 915,000 tons/year PP facilities at Point Comfort. There are also 736,000 tons/year of chlor-alkali, 753,000 tons/year of EDC/VCM and 798,000 tons/year of PVC plants.
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