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ABS buyers seek to obtain some discounts in West Europe

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 19/01/2016 (17:25)
The ABS market is tracking a stable to softer trend in West Europe after an initial January ACN contract settled with a decrease of €65/ton from December towards the end of last week. Although some sellers are still insisting on stable prices, buyers are seeking to obtain slight discounts, pointing to lower upstream costs.

A South European producer is giving January ABS offers with rollovers from last month to Germany. The producer’s gross contract prices are at €1700/ton for both injection and extrusion on an FD, 60 days deferred payment basis.

Several distributors in Germany, Belgium and France also left their ABS prices unchanged from last month, commenting that demand is regular and that supply levels are normal. Spot ABS prices are quoted at €1650-1700/ton for extrusion and at €1650-1720/ton for injection on an FD, 60 days deferred payment basis.

Even though sellers are mostly seeking to maintain their prices, a packaging producer in Germany reported receiving West European ABS offers with slight discounts from last month, but said that he isn’t rushing to make new purchases for now, having just returned to the market. Another converter also received offers for January ABS contracts with decreases of €15-20/ton for West European cargoes in the range of €1650-1710/ton.
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