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Construction of Turkmenistan’s new chemical complex underway

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 28/08/2017 (14:51)
According to State News Agency, Turkmenistan is building a new gas chemical complex near Kiyanly village of Balkan province with foreign partners. The construction of the complex started back in 2013 and continues to proceed. The project, which is worth more than USD3.4 billion, is being carried out by Japan’s Toyo Engineering Corporation, South Korea’s LG and Hyundai companies.

The complex is designed for processing of 2 billion cubic meters of natural gas and 117 thousand tons of sodium chloride, according to the agency. Besides, it will house a 390,000 tons/year PP plant, a 200,000 tons/year LLDPE plant, a 100,000 tons/year PVC plant, a 82,000 tons/year caustic soda plant and a 10,000 tons/year liquefied gas plant.

No details were provided about the date of the expected completion of the project.

Turkmenistan is among key players in the energy industry of the Caspian Sea region as the country owns the world’s largest fourth natural gas reserves, according to industry sources.
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