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Deep-sea cargoes continue to put pressure on PE prices in China

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 29/07/2016 (14:19)
Players in China have been receiving competitive offers for deep-sea origins since early July. Offers from the US and Brazil continued to constitute the low ends of the overall ranges for this week as well while Mexican HDPE also showed up in China.

The pressure from deep-sea cargoes was felt more intensively on HDPE grades as the overall import ranges for HDPE film and HDPE b/m were pulled down by these offers this week to $1060-1172/ton and $1059-1108/ton respectively all CIF, cash equivalent. This week, a Mexican HDPE film offer entered the market forming the low end of the range while Brazilian HDPE b/m retreated by $50/ton on the week to $1075/ton CIF, 90 days, which comes to around $1059/ton when adjusted to cash payment terms.

For LDPE, Brazilian offers again stood on the low end of the overall import market, which was reported at $1094-1200/ton. As for LLDPE, US and Brazilian offers were reported at $1074-1120/ton, standing at and close to the low end of the overall range at $1074-1175/ton, all on CIF, cash equivalent basis.
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