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Distributor: Indonesian producer issues further hikes on PP, PE

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 06/04/2016 (13:45)
A distributor reported that an Indonesian producer implemented additional increases on their local PP and PE prices today. According to him, the producer lifted their prices by IDR270,000/ton ($21/ton) for PP film, raffia, injection and BOPP, by IDR100,000/ton ($8/ton) for LLDPE film and by IDR40,000/ton ($4/ton) for HDPE film while maintaining their prices for PP coating, LLDPE injection, HDPE blow moulding and HDPE pipe when compared to their latest levels.

The producer had increased their offers by IDR190,000-740,000/ton ($15-56/ton) for PP and by IDR70,000-140,000/ton ($5-11/ton) for PE at the start of the week.

According to the distributor, the producer’s PP prices currently stand at IDR17,680,000/ton ($1333/ton) for raffia and injection, at IDR17,680,000-17,820,000/ton ($1333-1343/ton) for film and at IDR17,550,000/ton ($1323/ton) for coating and BOPP, all on an FD Jabodetabek, Indonesia, cash basis.

Meanwhile, the producer’s local PE prices stand at IDR17,990,000/ton ($1356/ton) for LLDPE film, at IDR20,130,000/ton ($1517/ton) for LLDPE injection, at IDR17,320,000/ton ($1306/ton) for HDPE film, at IDR17,680,000/ton ($1333/ton) for HDPE blow moulding and at IDR18,910,000/ton ($1425/ton) for HDPE pipe (PE100), all on an FD Jabodetabek, Indonesia, cash basis.
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