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IMF in talks to remove barriers on Iranian banks

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 11/10/2016 (17:32)
According to media reports, President of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde, stated that they have started to discuss the removal of barriers on Iranian banks with US authorities.

Lagarde indicated that there are still some barriers on Iranian banks and that this situation creates an obstacle for them to cooperate with international banks. Lagarde was speaking on the sidelines of the annual World Bank summit held in Washington DC and with the participation of Iran’s Economy Minister Ali Tayebnia.

“Proposals for cooperation will be made to Iran over various areas like training and exchange of experience and technical knowledge with other states,” she said.

Meanwhile, Tayebnia stated that structural and infrastructural reforms have been launched within the scope of Resistance Economy, an economic roadmap set up by the Iranian government.
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