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Japan’s exports rise first time in 15 months in Dec

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 25/01/2017 (14:49)
According to media reports, Japan’s exports were up in December after consecutive decreases for 15 months. The rise in exports was mainly driven by the increase in sales of electronics and car parts, the reports revealed, as well as the fall in yen.

The data from Ministry of Finance showed that the country’s exports were up by 5.4% in December on a yearly basis and beat the economists’ forecasts which called for an increase of 1.2%. The volume of shipments also increased 8.4% year-on-year, which indicated a rise in external demand, the data showed.

According to the data, Japan’s exports to China, its largest trading partner, increased by 12.5% in December and hit a record of 1.3 trillion yen. Exports to its second largest trading partner, the USA, were also up by 1.3% on a yearly basis, the first time in 10 months.

The country’s imports, however, were down by 2.6% in December year-on-year, more than the estimates of a decrease of 0.8%, the data showed. This created a trade surplus, for the fourth month in a row, of 641.4 billion yen.
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