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Jordanian buyer: June PE drops outpace our expectations

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 08/06/2016 (15:01)
An end product manufacturer operating in Jordan reported that they received June shipment PE prices from several Middle Eastern suppliers with decreases of around $50/ton when compared to May.

The buyer commented, “Players were mostly expecting to see rollovers from overseas producers for June and decreases for July. Hence, the lower June levels surprised us and caused buyers to be cautious on their purchases as they believe that further decreases might be possible as the month proceeds. In addition, demand is already slow given the Ramadan month. We are not planning to make fresh purchases for now.”

According to the converter, three different Middle Eastern suppliers, including a Saudi major, issued their new offers to Jordan at $1160-1200/ton for both LLDPE and HDPE film on a CIP Amman/CIF Aqaba, 90 days deferred payment basis.
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