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LATEST NEWS: China’s Dec polymer exports surge on year

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 22/01/2024 (11:59)
According to data from ChemOrbis Export Statistics, China’s total polymer exports in December surged by 31% from a year earlier to reach 885,100 tons. Compared to the previous month, however, the combined volume of PVC, PET, PP, and PE exports decreased around 15%.


In a product-based breakdown, China exported 499,150 tons of PET (bottle and textile grades combined) in December, up by 27% from the same month of 2022. On a monthly basis, on the other hand, the total December volume declined 14%.

The top three destination of Chinese PET were Nigeria (42,230 tons), Vietnam (26,910 tons), and Russia (23,600 tons) in December.


China’s PVC exports were reported at 182,450 tons in December, up by 36% from a year earlier. Compared to the previous month, however, they dropped 12%.

China’s top three export outlets for PVC in December were India (75,620 tons), Russia (12,060 tons), and Vietnam (8,520 tons).


China’s total PP exports in December surged by 77% from a year earlier to reach 92,360 tons. On a monthly basis, total PP exports out of the country posted a decrease of 24%.

The top destinations for Chinese PP were Vietnam (12,910 tons), Brazil (7,190 tons), and Indonesia (7,020 tons) in December.


Data suggest that the country’s total PE exports in December increased around 3% from the same month of 2022 to reach 58,830 tons. They were, however, down by 13% from a month earlier.

China’s top PE customers in December were Bangladesh (8,800 tons), Vietnam (6,120 tons), and Russia (5,800 tons).
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