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LATEST NEWS: Taiwanese major hikes March PVC prices to Asia

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 14/02/2023 (10:18)
A major Taiwanese producer has notified Asian customers $40/ton price hikes for March shipments, compared to its February levels. The latest hikes have come in for the third month in a row.

The producer’s PVC K67-68 new offers for March are $40/ton higher than its February offers at $970/ton CIF India, $925/ton CIF China and $880/ton FOB Taiwan. The producer’s February offers were $70-90/ton higher than its January offers.

PVC – Asia

Indian buyers seeking 90 days’ credit will be charged an additional $10/ton, the latest notification said. According to market players, most of the Indian import trades are done on 90-day letters of credit (LC).

The latest increases were mostly in line with market expectations reported in the previous week. “Market participants were mostly expecting a $40/ton hike last week although some players early this week were talking about a likely $20-30/ton increase,” a trader in India said.

ChemOrbis Price Wizard shows the Taiwanese major’s current prices have come in slightly lower than the high end of the latest CIF India assessments at $940-980/ton.
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