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LLDPE supply remains tight in Philippines, Thailand

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 13/06/2016 (13:59)
Players reported that LLDPE supply is still limited in Thailand and the Philippines stemming from local production issues.

A distributor based in Thailand reported that local PE prices held steady owing to limited supply from a local producer, adding that local tightness has kept local prices in Thailand above the regional average. “Demand seems to be stable, but buyers limit their purchases to smaller quantities compared with previous months. We expect no major changes until the 3rd week of June,” the distributor stated.

In the Philippines, players commented that local LLDPE supply remains tight. A converter reported purchasing domestic LLDPE film at PHP71500/ton ($1391/ton without VAT) FD Philippines, cash inc VAT. “Local availability is very limited and traders who have material on hand have lifted their prices accordingly. We are also considering some import cargoes, although we will have to carefully consider the landed costs of imports before sourcing from overseas,” the buyer stated.

Local LLDPE c4 film prices stand at THB46500/ton ($1324/ton) on FD Thailand, cash basis while local prices in the Philippines stand at PHP65000-71500/ton ($1265-1391/ton without VAT) FD Philippines, cash inc VAT.
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