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Malaysian buyer receives competitive price for special grade of SE Asian mLLDPE c6

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 14/01/2016 (12:07)
According to a converter in Malaysia, they received an offer for some additional quantities of a special grade of mLLDPE c6 from a regional supplier following negotiations. “We purchased some mLLDPE c6 from the supplier at $1200/ton DAP Malaysia, cash earlier in the week and the supplier later offered us some additional quantities of another mLLDPE c6 grade at a competitive of price of $1120/ton DAP, bringing our average mLLDPE c6 price from the producer to $1160/ton,” the buyer stated.

A plastic bag manufacturer in the Philippines said that they received an offer for Southeast Asian mLLDPE c6 at $1150/ton CIF and an offer for Middle Eastern LLDPE c4 film at $1040/ton. “We normally expect mLLDPE c6 to carry a premium of around $100/ton compared with LLDPE c4 grades. We are planning to delay our purchases for now as we expect prices for LLDPE c4 film to drop below the $1000/ton threshold in the weeks ahead,” the buyer commented.

A trader based in the Philippines reported receiving offers for Southeast Asian mLLDPE c6 and c8 at $1250/ton CIF. “Demand for metallocene is growing in the Philippines, although not as quickly as we had earlier expected. Currently, the Philippines consumers around 500-800 tons of metallocene grades per month,” the trader stated.

Prices for metallocene grades currently stand at $1100-1270/ton for mLLDPE c6 and at $1250-1280/ton for mLLDPE c8, both on a CIF SEA, cash equivalent basis.
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