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SE Asian players: Import LLDPE supply is tight

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 18/02/2016 (04:27)
Players active in Southeast Asia’s PE market report that LLDPE supplies are tight in the market, resulting in a smaller number of offers for this product on the week and helping to push prices firmer. Import LLDPE film prices gained $40/ton on the low end compared with the pre-holiday period to be quoted at $1100-1120/ton CIF SEA, cash equivalent basis.

A trader based in the Philippines reported receiving offers for Thai materials at $1110/ton CIF for HDPE film and at $1120/ton for LDPE film. “Demand is starting to improve in the Philippines. We are receiving a good number of inquiries for LLDPE film from our customers, but we are unable to supply this product as supply is tight,” the trader commented.

A converter in Malaysia said that they received offers for Southeast Asian materials at $1120/ton DAP, cash for LLDPE c4 film and at $1180/ton with the same terms for mLLDPE c6 film. “We had stocked up on material a few weeks ago and are glad that we did as LLDPE supply has tightened and there are not many offers for this product available in the market. Demand for our end products is a bit sluggish these days,” the buyer stated.

A plastic film manufacturer in Vietnam added, “We are looking to purchase some LLDPE film this week, but have not received any offers for this product from the market yet. We are not expecting to see any major price changes over the short term as buyers are only slowly returning to their desks after the holidays.”
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