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Sonatrach plans to bring Skikda cracker back online in Algeria

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 30/01/2017 (19:04)
According to market sources, Algeria’s Sonatrach is planning to bring its steam cracker at its Skikda CP1K complex back online after 4 years and signed an agreement with Engineers India Ltd to conduct a study on the rehabilitation process.

The cracker at the complex, which was built in 1978 and has a production capacity of 120,000 tons/year of ethylene, is expected to resume operations by the end of 2018, sources said.

With the restart of the cracker, Algeria’s dependency on imports is expected to lessen.

Sonatrach had recently signed agreements with Italy’s Eni and France’s Shell to conduct feasibility studies for new petrochemical projects in Algeria, as part of the country’s plan to improve its foreign investment in the energy sector.
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