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Vietnam’s economy rebounds in Q2

by ChemOrbis Editorial Team -
  • 03/07/2017 (13:36)
According to the preliminary data from Vietnam’s General Statistics Office, the Vietnam’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rebounded by 6.17% on a quarterly basis in the second quarter compared to an increase of 5.15% in the previous quarter, which was the lowest of three years. This quarterly increase stemmed from the growth in the industrial and services sectors. The data showed that the jump between the first and second quarter was the largest since 2011 although it fell below the Office’s official quarterly growth target of 6.7%.

According to the data, the country’s economic growth also rose by 5.73% on a yearly basis in the first half of this year compared to an increase of 5.65% in the same period of last year on the back of a surge of 18.9% in the country’s exports.
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