ChemOrbis 2nd Annual Meeting
ChemOrbis 2nd Annual Meeting on April 4, 2011 in Singapore saw more than 450 professionals from 260 companies and 19 countries getting together to discuss the issues vital to the plastics industry and to build new relationships through face to face meetings with potential business partners.
Participant List
Sealed Air Cryovac Australia Pty Ltd
Anhui Huishang Co Ltd
BASF-YPC Company Limited
CPG (HK) Limited
REHAU Polymers (Suzhou) Co Ltd
Suzhou Huiye Chemical & Light Industries Co Ltd
Tricon Energy Ltd
Uniharvest Marketing Ltd
Whirlpool (China) Investment Co Ltd
Zhejiang Future Petrochemical Co Ltd
Officium Projects Ltd
Thule Organization Solutions Asia Pacific
Avi Global Plast Pvt Ltd
Bhavik Enterprise Ltd
GAIL India Ltd
Hazel Mercantile Limited
Jain Plastic
Pradeep Industrial Packers Pvt Ltd
R.S. Overseas Pvt Ltd
Ram-Nath & Co Pvt Ltd
Reliance Industries Limited
Renuka Agencies
Saigal Trading Corp
Sri Lakosha Polymer Private Ltd
Starpet Trading Private Limited
Storsack India Pvt Ltd
Trimac Products Private Limited
Vishesh Polyimpex Pvt Ltd
Agromega Indopratama PT
Akino Indonesia Trading PT
Akino Wahanamulia PT
Alam Jaya Primanusa PT
Anta Tirta Kirana PT
Asia CV
Bilplast Grapindo Pt
Bukitmega Masabadi Pt
Chandra Asri PT
Dharma Kridatama PT
Dutabudi Tulusrejo Pt
Dynaplast Tbk PT
Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Pt
Gunawan Plastik PT
Indokemika Jayatama PT
Indonox Mitra Pratama PT
Indoplastic Prima Lestari PT
Indopoly Swakarsa Industry PT
Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk PT
Karya Plasindo PT
Kerta Rajasa Raya PT
Masolikalerindo Perkasa PT
Merpati Internet Mandiri PT
Murni Mapan Mandiri PT
Panca Budi Pratama Pt
Pertamina (Persero) PT
Polytama Propindo PT
Sapta Warna Cemerlang PT
Sumber Bengawan Plasindo PT
Sumplas Dwi Sapta PT
Supernova Flexible Packaging PT
Surya Plastik PT
Teras Adhi Karisma PT
Trimitra Swadaya PT
Arvand Polymer
Crocco Spa
Ecoplastica Srl
A Waner Plastic Manufacturing (M) Sdn Bhd
Aeries Plastic Industries Sdn Bhd
Asia Pack Industries Sdn Bhd
Basf Petronas Chemicals Sdn Bhd
BP Plastics Holding Bhd
Chai Heng Plastic MFG (M) Sdn Bhd
Chiga Light Industries Sdn Bhd
Chin Hong Trading & Packaging Sdn Bhd
Eng Hing Plastic Industries Sdn Bhd
Golden Pet Industries Sdn Bhd
Great Wall Plastic Industries Berhad
GT-Max Plastic Industries (M) Sdn Bhd
Guppy Plastic Industries Sdn Bhd
Hond Tat Industries Sdn Bhd
Hsing Lung Sdn Bhd
Jebplus Sdn Bhd
Johstar The Plastic Man (M) Sdn Bhd
Lean Giap Enterprise Sdn Bhd
Lee Huat Plastics Industries Sdn Bhd
Lee Soon Seng Plastic Industries Sdn Bhd
Logomas Packaging Sdn Bhd
Mah Sing Plastics Industries Sdn Bhd
Malayan Electro-Chemical Industry Co Sdn Bhd (MECI)
Malaysian International Trading Corporation Sdn Bhd (MITCO Petronas)
MHT Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
Nylex (Malaysia) Bhd
Petlin (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Petronas Chemical Group
Plastic Centre Sdn Bhd
Polyethylene Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Polyseed SSD Sdn Bhd
Polysplit Industries Sdn Bhd
Ralco Plastic Sdn Bhd
San Miguel Yamamura Woven Products Sdn Bhd
Seacorp Sdn Bhd
See Hau Global Sdn Bhd
Sibelco Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Simply Packaging Sdn Bhd
Solmax International
Stenta Films (M) Sdn Bhd
Sudi Laju Sdn Bhd
Syarikat Nam Ah Sdn Bhd
Synplastic Industries Sdn Bhd
Tauplene Industries Sdn Bhd
Teong Chuan Plastic (M) Sdn Bhd
Thong Guan Plastic & Paper Industries Sdn Bhd
Titan Chemical Corp Sdn Bhd
Titan Chemicals Corp Sdn Bhd
Titan Petchem (M) Sdn Bhd
Toling Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd
Various Resources (M) Sdn Bhd
Vinyl Chloride (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Yee Yee Tun International Co Ltd
Say Polymers Bv
Hamtex Enterprises
Daily Harvest Asia Pacific Inc
Eastone Industrial & Development Corp
Golden Eaton Industrial Corp
Hantex Trading Company Inc
Marulas Industrial Corporation
Neltex Development Company, Inc
Pema Plastic Manufacturing Corp
Sencar Industrial Corp
Styrotech Corporation
Fapil SA
Total Petrochemicals Qatar Branch Office
Solexim Polymers SRL
Saudi Arabia
Alim Commercial Office -(ACO)
Borouge Pte Ltd
Chemical Market Associates Inc (CMAI)
Chevron Phillips Chemicals Asia Pte Ltd
Clariant (Singapore) Pte Ltd
CWT Limited
Flexible Packaging Pte Ltd
Gama Petrochemicals Pte Ltd
Havi Global Solutions Asia Pacific
IHS Global Insight
Innua Petrochem Ltd
Intraco Trading Pte Ltd
Itochu Plastics Pte Ltd
Koepcke Food (Asia) Pte Ltd
Krishn-Aks Global Pte Ltd
Kwong Yu Industries (S) Pte Ltd
Linkers (Far East) Pte Ltd
Megastrike International Pte Ltd
New Quantum Holdings Pte Ltd
Noble Resources Pte Ltd (Noble Group)
PCC (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Sabic Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Samsung International Procurement Centre
Schenck Process GmbH
Singapore Plastic Industry Association
Singapore Polymer Corporation (Pte) Ltd
Sinochem Trading (Singapore) Pte Ltd
SL Packaging Industries Pte Ltd
Sumitomo Chemical Asia Pte Ltd
Sumitomo Corporation Asia Pte Ltd
TCR (Singapore) Pte Ltd
The Polyolefin Company (S) Pte Ltd - (TPC)
Total Petrochemicals South East Asia Pte Ltd
Toyota Tsusho (S) Pte Ltd
A&B Chemical Corporation
Jampoo Union Corp
Metroview International Ltd
Ablaze Star Co Ltd
Amcor Flexibles Bangkok Public Co Ltd
Ariya-Rung-Ruang Co Ltd
Dow Chemical Thailand Ltd
HMC Polymers Co Ltd
Inter Cordia Co Ltd
King Pac Industrial Co Ltd
Liack Seng Trading Co Ltd
Lubric Precision Co Ltd
Nexant Thailand Limited
Pacific Container Bag Co Ltd
Plastic Container Co Ltd
Prowell Enterprise Co Ltd
Quality Flexpack Co Ltd
Sahachit Watana Plastic Industry Co Ltd
SCG Plastics Co Ltd
Siam BU Import Export Co Ltd
Thai Plastic And Chemicals Public Company Limited - TPC
Thai Plastic Bags Industries Co Ltd
Vinyltec Industry Co Ltd
Vinythai Public Co Ltd
Acran Boğaziçi
Arkem Kimya Tic. A.Ş.
Btm Bitumlu Tecrit Maddeleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S
CMS Concept Plastik Ambalaj Tekstil San. Tic. AS
Ender Dis Tic Ve Insaat San AS
Fiva Plastik San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
Gezer Ayakkabi deri San Ve Tic A.S.
Komut Plastik Dis.Ticaret Ltd.Sti
Naksan Plastik San Ve Tic AS
Nepa-Kol Plas. Kim. Madd. Petrol Ve Tur Tic Ltd Sti
Pentol CV
Petkim Petrokimya Holding AS
Petrokem Polimer Ve Kimya Tic. A.S.
Petromar Dis Ticaret Ltd Sti
Pimas Plastik Insaat Malzemeleri A.S.
Plasmar AS
Plaspak Kimya Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti.
Silco Polymers SA Turkey
Starflot Plastik Diş Tic AŞ
Suni Jut San. Ve Tic. A.S.
Superfilm Ambalaj San Ve Tic. A.S.
Tekinplast Plastik San Tic Ltd Sti
Teris Kimyevi Maddeler Tic Ve San AS
Ultra Polymers Turkey
Vista Petrokimya
Yapkim Yavuzlar Plastik Ve Kimya San Tic AS
United Arab Emirates
RAI (Rakha Al-Khaleej) International Group
Uniplas International Est
United States
IHC Trading Co Inc
Townsend Solutions
C-Chem Representative Office
Dai Hung Thinh Trading Corporation
Ha Viet Import Export Joint Stock Company
Hao Thanh Co Ltd
Petroleum Industrial Material Distribution Company
Phu My Plastics & Chemical Co Ltd
Rkw Lotus Ltd
Tan Viet Quang JSC
7:30 - 9:00
9:00 - 9:05
9:05 - 9:15
Welcome Address
- Mr. Ronald Lim
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- Chairman of the ASEAN Federation of Plastic Industries(AFPI) and President of the Singapore Plastic Industry Association(SPIA)>
9:15 - 9:50
Keynote address: "Industry Opportunities and Issues"
- Mr. Henry F Roth Director
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- Board of Directors
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- RAI Rakha Al-Khaleej International LLC
9:50 - 10:50
10:50 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:15
Naphtha and Upstream (Ethylene and Propylene) Markets
- Mr. Andrew Ho
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- Director of Polyolefins, CMAI : Chemical Market Associates, Inc
12:15 - 13:00
Global Polyolefins - Adapting to Change
- Mr. Andrew Lee Fagg
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- Manager
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- Nexant Asia
13:00 - 14:15
14:15 - 14:40
New ChemOrbis Features and Improved Value Proposition
- Mr. Alp Ozdenler
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- ChemOrbis
14:40 - 15:40
Polyolefin Demand, Supply and Trade : Global Changes on the Horizon
- Mr. Stephen Moore
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- Associate
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- Townsend Solutions
15:40 - 16:10
The Issues, Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Polypropylene Market
- Dr. Paul Cherry
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- Consultant
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- Officium Projects Ltd.
16:10 - 16:40
16:40 - 17:10
PVC Outlook
- Mr. Shi Weimin
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- Business Director for Asia Pacific region
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- Tricon Energy (China) Ltd.
17:10 - 17:40
India's Current Petrochemicals Market & Future Trends
- Mr. Jasbir Singh Saini
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- General Manager (Petrochemicals Marketing)
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- Gail (India) Limited
17:40 - 18:00
Turkey's Polymer Market Review
- Ertan Kolukisaoglu
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- Specialist
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- Sales and Marketing Department, Petkim Petrokimya Holding A.S

Marina Bay Sands Oteli